Salesforce Optimizer Might Be on the Chopping Block

If you were quick to read new posts/happenings with Salesforce updates last week, there was a short-lived and very mysterious flurry of activity surrounding Salesforce Optimizer.

If you are unfamiliar with Optimizer, allow me to catch you up: Optimizer provides Salesforce System Administrators with valuable insights and information on where they should focus their time and effort to ensure their org was staying compliant and adhering to overall security best practices. Over the past five years or so, this had started to become a staple tool for SysAdmins in many orgs, however, due to a core change during a scheduled release update a few months ago, Optimizer was no longer accessible by many orgs.

For those who used Optimizer, this was quite a shock. Normally, if an update from Salesforce causes such a detrimental change where a product no longer works, they are quick to apply a hot fix during a subsequent minor update.  This time, however, Optimizer found its way onto the Known Issues list with an ominous message: “There isn’t a workaround at this time.”

Then, on March 17, 2025, a new Salesforce Help article popped up, confirming what many already suspected: Salesforce Optimizer was being retired, partially occurring on March 31, 2025, with no newly created orgs receiving Optimizer, and fully retired in the upcoming Winter release. 

Strangely, as quickly as the article arrived, it was removed.  Was it a mistake? Did someone accidentally publish an article that was not ready for prime time? Did a large customer take notice and immediately raise a flag to someone high up? These are questions that we may never know the answer to, yet one conclusion can be drawn: Someone at Salesforce is ready to retire the Optimizer tool, whether it be next week, or next year.

Canvas Cloud has been using Salesforce Optimizer with our clients from the very beginning, many of which are part of our Collab Managed Services™ programs. This past year, unironically right around the time Optimizer stopped functioning and ended up on the Known Issues list, we had been venturing into a larger toolset for maintenance, security, and best practice validation, settling on Hubbl Technologies.  

Hubbl ticked all the right boxes for us as an Implementation and Managed Services partner of Salesforce.  Besides being quite thorough in its reporting, it is what I would consider a non-invasive toolset - there’s nothing to install, and it doesn’t have access to your data as it is a metadata-only scan.  Your data is still your data—we don’t see it and they don’t see it. What we do have access to is how your org is structured and configured, and how those configurations align with Salesforce’s Well-Architected framework and best practices.

With Hubbl, we are better able to identify security risks, performance issues, and find areas of improvement to ensure a fast and optimized Salesforce instance.  Sure, with Optimizer, we might uncover whether your Password Policy for a Profile is outside of industry standards and best practices, but with a Hubbl scan, we can identify if that one developer you had in your org three years ago that wrote that one special Apex class inadvertently created a security hole that can be exploited by one of your community users! 

The best part about Hubbl? We offer this service free to all of our customers. We’re even offering it to you, completely free, even if you don’t work with us yet. All you have to do is fill out this form to request your free metadata scan. Don’t let inefficiencies hold you back - take the first step toward a more optimized and scalable system so you can make more informed, strategic decisions based on clear, data-driven insights.


Making the Move from Salesforce NPSP to NPC